Déploiements récursifs

At the heart of this system, the artist's attention is focused on protocol, a rigorous and disciplined creative process that never betrays logic. The result is a luminous painting, <> and whose ultimate meaning must be found in its vibrant shapes and colors.Read more

At the heart of this system, the artist's attention is focused on protocol, a rigorous and disciplined creative process that never betrays logic. The result is a luminous painting, <> and whose ultimate meaning must be found in its vibrant shapes and colors. Over time, Philippe Compagnon has perfected an abstract combinatory approach based on the use of simple, standardized figures, concentrated and repeated within a system, according to a principle of organization. With a concern to avoid any sensitive effect of reality, but with an equal desire to escape the dogmas of subjective, symbolist representation, the artist removes all figurative elements from the canvas, replacing them with pure, elementary geometric forms that are immediately recognizable. In this physical dimension of the art object, reductio ad essentia highlights the categorical properties of the elements selected by the artist, while subtly opening up a recursive, autonomous syntax of form.

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